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Monday, October 16, 2017

     Today is my birthday. As I embark on a new year I am facing a lot of change. One of those changes is a forced move due to my landlord selling my house. I won't lie, I had a mini freak out at this news. I have a 5 bedroom house that I have to pack up in 30 days (still kind of freaking at this part). Overall I am now embracing this change. My husband and I have decided to go stay at the family cabin for a while. This means I won't have my kids with me full time (another change) because I don't want them to have to change schools. Their father will be taking them as he lives in the school district they are currently attending. We will alternate weeks and we will just have to bring them into town in the mornings when they are with us. My grown son that was still living at home on the weekends is finding a job in Alabama where he is attending school so I will no longer get to see him much. these are the aspects of this I am struggling with.
     I embrace the idea of living a more peaceful life at the lake sitting by campfires without all the noise of being in town. My husband and I can take this time of just the two of us to reconnect (since life has really been hectic lately). We can go on walks with the dog or go fish anytime. No rent to pay and no extremely high electric bill with just the two of us. I'm actually looking forward to some downtime and relaxation. Nature has always been relaxing to me and now I get to get back to it for a while and be able to save some money as well. 
     So here's to the next chapter in my life and some peace of mind.
     In celebration of my birthday, I have decided to have a flash sale. All candles and melts are 30% off today only. You can take advantage of this 3 ways: come into the store to purchase, hop on over to our Facebook page and comment your order on the post and we will invoice you, or send us an email. You will find our full scent list on our FB page and our web page and I will include below as well.  Links to follow.

Essential Scents 
Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Marjoram, Cedar Wood, Ginger, Lavender, Vanilla, Orange, Lemon, Peace, Rosemary, Lullaby, Thrive, Melaleuca, Calming, Cinnamon Leaf, Lemon Grass, Mental Clarity, Thieves, Stress Buster, Dreamsicle, Lavender Vanilla, Lemon Chiffon, Mint Lavender 
Grandma's Kitchen Scents 
Blueberry Cobbler, Cinnamon Buns, German Chocolate Cake, Warm Vanilla Sugar Cookie, Peanut Butter Cookie, Pink Sugar Icing, Pumpkin Spice, Spearmint, Cinnamon, Graham Cracker, Pie Crust, Saturday Morning (fruity cereal), S'mores,  Apple Spice, Grandma's Kitchen, Banana Nut Bread 
Coffee House Scents 
Creamy Cappuccino, Espresso Café, Espresso, Caramel Macchiato, Mocha Java, Vanilla Cappuccino, Starbucks Coffee (coffee house blend)  
Fruity Scents 
Black Raspberry Vanilla, Strawberries and Cream, Peaches and Cream, Monkey Farts, Vanilla Berry, Cucumber Melon, Apple, Blackberry Sage 
Tropical Scents 
Coconut, Paradise Reef, Ocean Mist, Jamaica Me Crazy 
Candy Scents 
Caramel, Chocolate, Cotton Candy, Toasted Marshmallow, Coconut Bon Bon, Gourmet Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Drizzle  
Floral Scents 
Country Garden, Lilac, Fresh Roses, Butterfly Hugs, Humming Birds,  
Clean Scents 
Clothes Line Fresh, Snuggable, Island Fresh
Women's Scents
Love Spell  
Masculine and Musk Scents 
Polo Match, Sandalwood, Rosewood and Musk, Cool Water, Joop Type, Drakkar Noir Type 
Seasonal Scents 
Frosted Pumpkin, Twisted Peppermint, Perfect Pumpkin, Christmas Tree Farm, Leaves, Mistletoe, Autumn Day, Alpine Frost, Apple Jack and Peel, Cranberry Joy, Orange Clove, Gooseberry, Pumpkin Pecan Waffles, Winter Candy Apple, Sweet Orange Chili Pepper, Snow Fairy, Candied Yams, Peppermint Candy, Santa's Pipe  

Monday, October 2, 2017

Taking It Back To The Good Old Days!

Hey, Y'all! Leaves have started to fall which means it's almost that time of year again! Christmas is just 84 days away! Santa's elves have nothing on Krafty Headquarters Artisans working on our new Christmas product line. This year we're taking it back to the good ole days. There's nothing like an old-fashioned handmade know, just like Grandma and Grandpa used to have. What was your favorite? Comment below. You just might inspire one of our new Christmas products!
#christmas #rustic #handmade #tullahomatnchamber

Monday, September 25, 2017

Grand Opening

We had a great turnout for our Grand Opening! We had a blast and would like to thank everyone that came out to celebrate with us. A special thanks to Mayor Lane Curlee for taking time out of his day to join us and also to the Tullahoma Tennessee Chamber of Commerce for conducting our ribbon cutting. We would also like to thank Dee Dee McFerrin for coming to town to help us during our 3-day celebration and contributing homemade pumpkin bread for our snacks. We would also like to thank Greg Chapel for joining us Saturday and demonstrating his art we now have two more beautiful etched glass pieces for sale in the store. We are truly blessed to live in a community that is full of such wonderful talent and support for small businesses.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Putting It In God's Hands

Putting It In God's Hands
Over the last few months, we have been very slow at the shop and we have faced some personal struggles. I have been watching our reach and engagement dwindle on our Facebook page and have poured hours into trying to boost it. I have feared we will not succeed. We have each poured so much of our hearts, time and money into our store. We wholeheartedly believe in each of our artisans and their creative gifts and want to see them thrive as we want to thrive as well.
Well, tonight I had an epiphany thanks to one of the pages I follow on Facebook (The Homestead). They were kind enough to feature our Facebook page today. I decided to hop on their page and take a thorough look because I know I don't see everything they post in my newsfeed. What I found as I perused their page was not only beautiful vintage items, decorating ideas, and recipes but a lot of God inspired quotes and scripture. These spoke to me. What they said was this is what is missing in your life and in your business. God provided us with the opportunity to bring our dream to life. God provided us with not only our own talents but with the talents of all the artisans that entrust us with their creations. We used to start every day with prayer before we opened our doors. We have all been juggling so much personally and with the store that we (at least I) have started jumping right in and getting to work. Well God spoke to me tonight through a wonderful facebook page and I have realized that we need to change our habits. I also used to post inspirational quotes and have focused more on our business posts. Without God, we wouldn't have this business. I am very thankful for the blessings He has given even though I have done a poor job in showing it. It's time to put this all back in God's hands again.