Did you know that today is the Army’s 242nd birthday?
The U.S. Army was founded on June 14, 1775 this was over a year before we
signed the declaration of independence. At that time, the Continental Congress
authorized expert riflemen for enlistment to serve the colonies for one year.
On June 15th George Washington was made Commander
and Chief. He officially took command in Boston on July 3, 1775.
This year’s theme is “Over There! A celebration of The World
War I Soldier” in recognition of the 100 year anniversary of World War I.
Interesting Army Facts
During World War II, supporting one soldier on the battlefield
took one gallon of fuel per day. Today, the Army uses more than 22 gallons per
day, per soldier.
The Army has a total of 1.1 million soldiers in its ranks and
more than 400,000 civilians and contracted employees. If the military branch
was a city, the Army would represent the fourth largest city in the United
* The Army has 158 installations worldwide; more than 132,000
miles of infrastructure for electric, gas, sewer and water; and over one
billion square feet of office space.
* The Army owns more than 15 million acres of land across the
United States, or about 24,000 square miles which, if the Army was a state, it
would be the 42nd largest.
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