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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Today is Father’s Day and it still hits me hard. I lost my dad almost 2 years ago and the whole his death left is still just as big and painful now as the day he died. We lived 2200 miles apart most of my childhood but I was and always will be a Daddy’s girl. I moved to Tennessee after my mom died so I could be close to him and my boys could be near him. He was crazy, goofy and fun loving. We couldn’t go anywhere without him acting silly he loved getting a rise out of his friend Dave. We went on a ride on the motorcycles one time, when it started raining we pulled off at a McDonald’s to get lunch and put our rain suits on. Dave went straight to the bathrooms when we went in. Now Dave has a temper and Dad always loved to set it off so he told the girls at the counter that Dave had just been released from a mental hospital. He told them he was harmless unless he was stared at so when he came out of the bathrooms they were all staring at him. Well needless to say, his temper went off and we were rolling with laughter. I miss this craziness. I could write a book on all the crazy stuff my dad did and maybe someday I will. For now, I’ll stick to one story at a time.

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