Thursday, June 15, 2017

My Step Dad

This is Jerry Greene he is my step-dad. He was my go to father figure growing up. My father lived in Tennessee and we lived in Nevada so he couldn't be involved in my everyday life. Jerry stepped up to the plate of raising me. He helped me with my homework (when I actually put in an effort to do it), he took me to my first concert (all the way to Oakland California) and he taught me to drive (this was no easy task when it came to a stick shift). I'll never forget the time he was trying to correct my bad habit of riding the clutch when I made a turn. I was coming up on the road we lived on and he told me to downshift, let off the clutch and make the turn. I did this as I was turning off a paved road onto a gravel road. Needless to say, I started fishtailing and he said STOP so I hit the brakes. I spun around and ended up in the sagebrush in his brand new car. I just knew I was done driving. I backed it up and headed home like he told me to. As I pulled into the driveway he had me stop in front of the house instead of going to the garage. He opened the door to get out and told me to go drive around some more. I asked him if he was crazy because I had just taken his brand new Honda Civic off road. His response was "Hell no! That's why I'm getting out of the car."
#fathersday #dads #dad #fathers

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